A lifelong martial arts journey from the universal to the specialized and back again...
Five Circles Martial Arts is the home dojo for the study of the Gomaru Ryu Budo.
Gomaru Ryu is a holistic family of five different martial arts that cover a unviersal set of martial arts skills including striking, grappling, weapon use, fencing, and physical conditioning. Each art is a complete system in itself that students could explore for years.
The Path of Gomaru Ryu Budo: Your Unique Journey
Every student of Gomaru Ryu starts in the same place. The white belt entry point into the arts is a unversal experience for all students. Much like learning a new lanugage we all need the same basis in grammar and vocabulary. Likewise, our beginning students have the oppotunity to explore a little bit of all of the arts and the universal principles of our system.
Once you complete the introductory level you are free to explore and specialize in each of the arts as you see fit. Some students study a single art, some two arts, some continue to study all of the arts. There is no one path and you can change your focus any time you like. Your journey is your own, we’re just here to help you along.
Explore Each of the Gomaru Ryu Budo

Fast and adaptble hand strikes mixed with low destructive kicks. Focused on self-defense.

Study of weapon charateristics with the goal of turning anything into a tool for combat.

Fluid grappling and body manipulation techniques to create owhelming control of the opponent.

Study of the katana and related samurai weapons with the goal of mastering cutting and fencing.

Methods and exercises to develop flexibility, balance, breath, focus, and self-control.
The Bujutsu: Returning to the Source and the Beginning
The Gomaru Ryu Budo are all seperate expressions, seperate stratgies, and seperate approaches to the same martial art,
Tasumaru Ryu Bujutsu.
The Bujutsu is a universal martial arts system that focuses in on a simple truth, all martial arts are the same thing.
The human body only moves in so many ways and of those only a few movements create effective combat energy. So, when you study a broad range of martial arts you start to see the same movements over and over again. The real differences from art to art are the priorities and strategies used.
The study of Gomaru Ryu begins with a universal introduction. Students then follow their passion and expolore the budo. Some experienced students decide to return back to the universal study and learn the parent martial art that is the source of the arts. Students in the bujutsu approach and explore martial arts from the unverisal perspective. A single physical motion or combat principle can result in hundreds if not thousands of specific techniques. By working to understnad the underlying unverisal principles Bujutsu students learn to understand the truth behind every marital art movement and strategy.
That was a lot information, and there's so much more we'd love to share with you...
But a website, no matter how awesome, can’t possibly repalce just experecing our school for yourself. So, if you’re ready to stop reading and start your journey use the button over there and let’s get you going.